Регистрация на событие закрыта

We’re sorry but the registration is closed. It might have happened because of registration of too many people or end of registration period. For more details you can contact our representatives.

Другие события организатора

Проектная лаборатория ПЛАС
2458 дней назад
с 0:00 1 мая до 0:00 31 июля 2018

Make your World Cup experience unforgettable with a Russian buddy. It guarantees safety, economy and convenience for all your stay on the World Cup.


The World Cup in any country is a reason to raise prices and get money from the tourists. It’s normal. We know apps and websites for the loсal access only. This might help you to save some money during The World Cup. We’d love to share this knowledge with you. And also help you to understand everything if you don’t speak Russian.


You probably heard many times that it’s unsafe to stay in Russia. You may have heard stories about being deceived by taxi drivers, waiters, etc. We live in Russia. We know what is ok and what is not. And we will give you a hand in navigating through all peculiarities of our country. How much to pay? What tips to leave and should you leave them at all? Where to and not to go if you don’t want to get in trouble? We are happy to give you answers on these and many more questions at any time.

24/7 access

During the World Cup we’ll be in touch 24/7.


You don’t have to download anything. All the interactions will happen over a messenger WhatsApp. Register and join the project! After that our manager get in touch with you and ask about your date and time of arrival to Russia and the period of your stay. During all the time of your visit your personal manager is going to be by your side in your phone. At any time you might text, send a voice message or call him with any question.


And, yes, we are speaking English. Yes, we know the language.


Nevertheless, we’re Russians. We live in Russia in the same cities where the World Cup is taken place. As Russians we do use on every day basis everything that we advise you.


The only thing that we can’t help you with is intimate service. Moreover, during World Cup Buddy project any type of sexual harassment isn’t assumed. If there is a proof of it made by you then public offer to World Cup Buddy services would be broken unilaterally without repayment. The same goes with our representatives. In that case, we’ll repay a forfeit, change the manager and help you during your stay in Russia free of charge (if you wish it).

About Us

The World Cup Buddy project is developed by Project laboratory «PLAS» Ltd. This organization is officially registered in Russia Federation and has been providing services of project management since 2015. Our goal is to make your World Cup 2018 adventure unforgettable. We love our country and want to share this love with you. Yours Russian Buddies.

How To Register?

To register for the World Cup Buddy project, you need to follow the arrow down, fill a form and pay a cost of our services.


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